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Health Tips / Groin Strain

Diagnosis and Symptons

Groin strain normally refers to overstretching of the adductor longus muscle on the inside of the thigh. Tearing often occurs at the junction between the tendon and the muscle or at the junction between the tendon and the pelvic bone.

Groin strains may be caused by sudden starts and stops, but more often by quick changes of direction or sideways movements. The injury is therefore more prevelant in field sports such as soccer, rugby, hurling or those involving sideways movements such as tennis or badminton.


Symptoms may include pain on movement or stretching, swelling and tenderness, loss of strength. Occasionally athletes experience a crackling feeling or sound when pressure is applied with the fingers.

Groin strains should not be confused with other injuries which may present similar symptoms. These can include a strained quadriceps muscle at the junction to the hip joint. Bone injuries or hernias may also be responsible for symptoms.

It is recommended to have the injury examined by a medical professional for accurate diagnosis.

Preventative measures

Proper warm-up and stretching routines are vitally important in prevention. If you are predisposed to a particular type of injury your medical professional will devise a suitable stretching and warm-up programme for you. This will involve not only stretching of the specific adductor longus muscle but of all associated muscle groups for improved strength and flexibility.

Specific exercises to strengthen the muscles may be recommended in some cases. The area may be difficult to strap and many competitors will resort to wearing lyca "bicycle shorts" which provide support.

Biomechanical assessment may show up deficiencies in gait or posture which may predispose individuals to groin strains. Specialised shoe inserts, orthotics, may be useful in some instances. In the case of athletes with existing injury adequate rest is very important. Never exercise on an injured groin without the advice of a medical professional. Stretching should be introduced gradually, again on professional advice.


For serious injury always consult your doctor or physiotherapist. 
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Last update: 16/05/2013 12:38 • Previous update: 30/11/-0001 00:00