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Health Tips / High grass pollen counts associated with severe asthma attacks

High grass pollen counts associated with severe asthma attacks

Spanish Scientists have reported that severe asthma attacks are associated with high grass pollen levels rather than pollution. The Madrid study reported in the journal Thorax (July 2003) found a correlation between times of high pollen counts and an increase in the number of emergency admissions associated with severe asthma attacks. The study was based on pollen counts and pollution data collected over three years and on data on 5,000 hospital emergency admissions for respiratory illness during that time.

The study reported that there was a statistically significant association between the grass pollens from Panacea and Plantago, which are commonly found in Europe. The study reported that hospital admissions rose by 17% three days after an increase in Poaceae pollen and by 16% two days after Plantago pollen levels peaked.
This increase was found to be independent of air pollution. During periods when the pollen count was low very few admissions were associated with asthma. This research highlights the importance of pollen forecasts not just for hayfever sufferers but also for asthmas. During such times asthmatics and hayfever sufferers may need to take preventive measures and/or adjust their medications requirements.

The full report is in found in Thorax, Short term effects of airborne pollen concentrations on asthma epidemic
A Tobías, I Galán, J R Banegas and E Aránguez Thorax 2003;58:708-710

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Last update: 16/05/2013 12:38 • Previous update: 30/11/-0001 00:00